Tuesday, May 09, 2006

I adore autumn

Walking to work in Richmond this morning through the Fitzroy Gardens: gold and umber leaves bright against the emerald grass and the steel-blue clouds; the air crisp, not so much biting as gently nibbling at my ears.

Tonight: walking into the city for an exhibition opening at the National Gallery at Federation Square. Detouring to kill half an hour through Birrarung Marr; 'marr' meaning the north bank of the river, 'birrarung' meaning 'place of mists'.

Occasional cyclists whizzing past in the gloaming; gravel scrunching deliciously beneath their wheels.

The last gold of sunset glowing on the light towers of the MCG. Courting couples hugging each other for warmth and affection perched on benches overlooking the river. Deborah Halpern's sculpture Angel transplanted from the moat of the NGVI in St Kilda Road to the Yarra bank, gazing out over the river with wondering Cubist eyes.

Walking through the Federation Bells as they ring and roll and chime their fractured, entrancing, echoing tunes.

Drinking champagne and nibbling sushi at the opening of Halpern's Angel exhibition, which traces the evolution of her playful, baroque and inviting aesthetic.

Walking home in the rain, laughing as people race past on slippery footpaths as if speed will somehow keep them dry.

I love Melbourne in the autumn.


ms fits said...

Isn't it lovely?

*sighs happily*

Sean M Whelan said...

As do I. Beautiful post Rich.